Now there is a huge trend in sapphire jewelry. So it’s important to grab knowledge before purchase your sapphire gemstone. So read this guide to get some tips from the pro”s in the field.

1. Sapphire color 

Sapphires come in every color of the rainbow, providing limitless color options to choose from. So let’s explore the rarest and most expensive colors in sapphires.

Usually, the most expensive sapphires are Padparadscha and blue sapphires. However, you can find a wide range of color options within Padparadscha and blue sapphires.

The color of blue sapphires can vary in different shades. Please refer to the image below for examples.

Blue sapphire color grading chart

Cornflower blue and royal blue are the most expensive colors in blue sapphires. On the other hand, sky blue and dark blue are the least expensive colors.

A Cornflower blue sapphire can cost more than $50,000 per carat, depending on the other quality factors of the stone.

Dark blue sapphires can be found for $10-50 per carat. However, larger stones are a bit more expensive, so keep that in mind.”


2 Carat weight.

The carat weight of a sapphire is one of the critical factors when determining the value of a sapphire gemstone. You can find blue sapphire gemstones in the range of 1-1.5 carats for $1000-$1500 per carat. However, sapphires below 1 carat do not hold as much value in the market. Quality sapphire gemstones under 1 carat can be found for under $500.

As the carat size increases, the price rises dramatically. It becomes quite challenging to find quality sapphire stones over 3 carats in the market, which is why such stones hold a significant value compared to 1-1.5 carat stones.

Typically, a 10-carat quality blue sapphire stone can fetch over 1 million dollars.

3 Sapphire treatments.

Most sapphires are heated to achieve good color and clarity. Heat treatment does not involve the use of chemicals, and it is widely accepted in the field. However, some unethical individuals perform X-ray treatment on white sapphires and light yellow sapphires to enhance their color. X-ray treatment is mainly done on yellow sapphires and padparadscha sapphires. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when purchasing yellow sapphires and padparadscha sapphires. This method is completely unacceptable, and you should avoid buying such sapphires and dealing with people who sell them.

It is relatively easy to identify X-ray treated stones. All you need to do is place the stone under sunlight between 10-12:30 in the morning. If the stone has undergone X-ray treatment, its color will fade. Reputable and trustworthy dealers typically examine stones under sunlight before purchasing them. Therefore, if your dealer is reliable, there is no need to worry.

beryllium treated sapphire

Also, people do beryllium treatment to stones. So you want to get a gem identification certificate from a reliable gem lab. They are not issued Certificates for beryllium-treated stones.
Few relaible gem labs in Sri lnaka
Gem and jewelry authority lab

4 Sapphire Clarity

Most of the time sapphires divide according to their clarity like the following.
1 Loop clean
2 Clean
3 Eye Clean
4 Bluff
Bluff sapphires
If you want to buy a beautiful stone, you should avoid bluff sapphires from your list. It is very hard to find a loop-clean stone; mostly, we can see bubbles, feathers, and rutiles inside the stone, and they are completely natural. If a stone has visible cracks, you should avoid it.

 5 Sapphire Certification

Last but not least make sure to certify your stone with a third party gem lab


Sumuduni Gems | Natural Certified Sapphire Jewelry