In India, almost 25 million babies are born each year. Parenting in India has some unique approaches. Each couple has more than 1 child, and they are happy about bringing up their children.

Kindness and virtue:

The very first thing that Indian parents show towards their children is kindness and virtue. Parenting in India involves the lessons for the children. The very first thing is kindness. The children are taught to respect everyone they know and be kind to every living creature, as it is considered really bad to hurt some living things.Indian mothers love


The very basic thing taught in India is patience. The children are taught to be more patient towards what they face and know that they will be credible for whatever they will do. The model saying is the man having patience can rule the world. This saying is quoted by every Indian parent.

The children are taught to have patience and do not freak out when facing something unexpected, as patience is considered the test to pass in eternal life.

Controlled Information:

The unique ways of parenting in India involve controlled information. Unlike other countries, children do not grow up watching cartoons all day. Still, they are more likely to watch documentaries and informative channels.

The parents in India keep an eye on their children and do not allow them to sit on TV or computer all day; rather, they set a few hours. The parents usually make their children learn the whole syllabus in holidays rather than sitting idle.

You will not find any Indian child sticking on tablets or mobile phones for more than 2-3 hours. It is considered that mobile phones and tablets are extremely harmful to children.

Manners First:

Children in India are taught to respect first. They are not allowed to shut the door in anger and lock them up. Not only this, children follow the table manners too and do not say no to the food. Everyone eats together and spend quality time with each other.

No matter what, if you are younger in age and if some elder has done something bad with you, you are not allowed to misbehave and abuse. All you have to tell to either your parents or grandparents. It is one of the basic manners taught to children, and it makes a quiet, friendly environment in the family.

Setting a good example:

There is mostly a joint family system in India, where grandparents and sometimes even great grandparents live in the same house where grandchildren live. The elders behave nicely with each other, help each other, and obey their elders. This sets a really good example in children’s minds, and they do the same as their parents do.

Not only do these Indians show courtesy to strangers too, but this also sets a good example in the minds of children, and they do not dare to misbehave who is a stranger and elder to them.

Strong Child parent Bond:

The parents, especially mothers, bring up their children until they start schooling. The young children are always raised by their mothers, and they sleep with them. This creates a relatively good bond between mother and child.

Working women often leave their children at home with their aunts, grandparents, and older siblings rather than sending them to child daycare. It is preferred to look after the baby at home rather than give it in strangers’ hands.

The dose of Independence:

Indian children are supposed to help their parents and elderly rather than sitting and playing all day. Some children start earning from a very young age, which makes them independent and more confident.


Education is an integral part of parenting in India. Children are taught by school teachers, parents, elder siblings, and home tutors. There are proper studying time and strict rules to follow. Children are supposed to get A or A+ grades, not less than it, and as a result, there is a lot more competition in education in India.

Spirituality lessons:

There are true spirituality and religious lessons given to Indian children to get the best in their lives. They are taught to do good deeds if they want a bountiful reward. Children are supposed to follow their elders and the trends they follow. Many religious ceremonies in India encourage young children to become more spiritual and know what their religion wants to say.

Financial control:

A major thing in parenting in India is financial control. The children are not supposed to waste money. They are not allowed to buy unnecessary stuff. The main reason behind this is that parents want to tell their children the importance of money. It helps in the future. The children are already more focused on becoming financially stable rather than wasting money and flexing over their elders’ money.

Saving money and investing it on the right things is one of the best things taught to children in India, and it helps them in the future if they face any crises. Children are already prepared to face the crises as they know the importance of money and time.

Parents often choose a career for their children when they are too young. In India, the family is the first priority, so most children follow the path that their parents want them to follow.

The Influence of the school:

In India, most pre-schooling is already done at home, so children are taught more in schools. The main focus in schools is to make the children confident, more tolerant, and more intelligent. The children are involved in curricular and co-curricular activities too.

The parents keep an eye on their children by keeping in touch with their teachers and getting each report. The parents try to focus on and fulfil the lags that their children are facing during their studies. This is how schooling is done in India.

Indian parents are best:

Parenting in India starts from day 1 when a child is born. To make their children best and perfect, Indian parents do everything that they can do. Parents are supposed to be perfectly best in every field so their children may be inspired by them.