There are a lot of things to remember about your wedding day and the wedding checklist is usually longer than you might think of.That’s where the role of a wedding planner comes into play to settle your wedding timeline checklist.

wedding timeline checklist
But for those people who don’t want to hire a wedding planner, these 25 forgotten wedding checklist can be life-saving. Grab your pen and note them down so that you don’t miss them at your wedding.

Why having a wedding checklist is important?

These are the list of 25 items that almost all couples tend to forget at least one or the other.
So let’s have a quick look at them-

⦁ Ice: If you are putting a DIY bar or your bartender or the venue doesn’t provide it to you, then you would need to put it in your list real quick. A good estimate of ice would be 1 pound per person but you can always increase in the case you are having the party during the summer season to 1.5 pounds per person.

⦁ Bustle Video: As a wedding planner, you try to remember this thing to ask your clients for but bustling takes a lot of time. So even you have someone present at the last dress fitting and they learn how to do it. But still having a video on hand is extremely helpful in case you don’t find your maid of honor or your mom or someone else.

⦁ Feed yourself: As this is your big day and you have a lot of work to do, still you need to feed yourself. And with that, you can make sure that your bridal party has enough food too. So you can assign that task to someone in your family or your friends.

⦁ Bring some flat sandals: As this is your wedding day so you will be on your feet for the majority of your time. So get a flat pair of sandals and your feet will thank you.

⦁ Emergency Kit: Now this emergency kit is not a regular one. This is something that a lot of people will come up with this but these are the items that you need to be ready with like makeup for touch-ups, safety pins, etc. and also assign someone about this so that they know where are all that stuffs kept.

⦁ Overnight Bag: This may sound silly but yes you may forget your overnight bag. So make sure it is in your hotel room or at least assign someone to carry it for you.

⦁ Cash and ID cards: You must have your ID and some cash with you as you might not know when these may become an event savior or an event failure for you. So you must check it before you leave.

⦁ Tips: If you are doing tips then it is highly recommended to put it in an envelope and also have the name of the company on the front of the envelope and give that to a designated person to pass them out for.

⦁ Water: Just as you need to take food to keep you energetic the whole day, you also need to remain hydrated for the whole day. In fact, you need to start hydrating yourself a few days beforehand for your skin to be clearer and more refreshed.

⦁ Transportation: Many people forget transportation and that’s not when you leave the reception in a grand vehicle. You must have it sorted up right from the getting ready location to the ceremony location and from ceremony location to reception and then for there to wherever you are leaving for the night. And that’s not just for the bride or the groom, it’s for the whole bridal party

⦁ Reserved seating signs: You must reserve seating signs for your family at the ceremony. As it would be very embarrassing for your family members to search for empty seats at your wedding ceremony.

⦁ Photo Wrangler: Designate one person from both the bride and the groom’s side of the family to make all the photos are clicked without a hitch. Your photographer is there to take photos and not to scream at someone to get in or out of the photos. So, assign a wrangler from both sides, who knows everyone, and get them in the frame at a specific time.

⦁ Vendor Overtime: It is always a good thing to get the event cleared at the time but still there may be some requirement sometimes for the vendors to stay longer than the contract. So is always good to clear the overtime charges beforehand rather than bargaining at the ceremony itself.

⦁ Vendor Meals: Vendors generally stay at your event for over 8 hours. So it is your responsibility to take care of the vendor’s meals. Most vendors have this within their contracts. But you should make sure that the caterers know that it is not just their guests which need to be feed but also the vendors need to be fed too.

⦁ Music selection: If you are hiring a DJ then it’s ok to ignore it but in case you don’t have one then you need to have music selected so that your guests are not bored.

⦁ Marriage License: You need to carve out your time to sign it and also you need to make sure that someone you trust is in charge of handling the license for you as it is a legal document and is very important.

⦁ Gift Wrangler: For the most part, wedding guests shouldn’t be bringing too many gifts but if they do, you will need a car for them to take it to your home. And if you are leaving the ceremony in a hired car then you wouldn’t necessarily want to take them with you to the hotel. So figure out who is in charge of the gifts and how will they take the gifts and how you will get them afterward.

⦁ Personal Items: If you have any desire to take cake topper, cake server, cake knife, champaign toasting glasses, then make sure you take them with you. You also need to make sure that the person in charge or the planner knows where they are and also that they get them when you are ready to cut your cake at the venue.

⦁ Guest Book Pens: Guest book pens are the ones that get people tends to forget all the time. So either you keep spare pens with you or just put the pen in your emergency kit.

⦁ List of Items: You must have a list of items that may be personal or DIY items. If you are bringing table numbers, escort cards, any sort of signage that you made yourself, or by someone else, then there needs to be a list of those items.

⦁ Tear Down Crew: This is one of the most overlooked items for your wedding day. You should read the contracts very carefully, make sure you have someone to bus the tables, pick up the trash, to gather all of your belongings, etc.
And this is the thing that you must not be thinking that people are they and they will help you out because sometimes they don’t.

⦁ Eyelash Glue: Eyelash Glues are water-soluble, so if you start crying and those little spider legs like structure start popping out of your eyeballs then you will look real wacky. You may lose your eyelashes and that can ruin your look at your wedding.

⦁ Bring your invitation: If you want your invitation to be a part of your wedding photography, then you need to make sure you bring that. And that includes bringing all of the elements starting from envelope to RSVP card.

⦁ Point Person: This is where your coordinator comes handy. As no one would come to ask you for some inconvenience if they are facing, so designate someone that has all the contact information for all the vendors and knows all your timeline of the day and also knows where all of your stuff is. As the point person must handle all the chaos behind the scene.

⦁ Pause, Breathe, Observe, and Repeat: This is your wedding day and you must take a moment at the back of the aisle before the moment you walk down. You need to have a look at the guests and stay relaxed and happy

So, these are perhaps the most forgotten wedding checklist that at least everyone forgets one or the other. So keep a note of them so that you never forget them at your wedding venue. Keep your wedding timeline checklist updated.