What is Padparadscha Sapphire

The world of Jewelry is fascinated by the Padparadscha Sapphire due to its unusually rare color combinations that have dazzled the gem enthusiasts around the world. Named after the blossoming lotus which is an iconic aquatic flower popular in Sri Lanka Padparadscha Sapphire is highly regarded as the rarest sapphire to be found on earth.

The alluring Padparadscha Sapphire

Discovered from Sri Lanka this Sapphire was widely believed to be endemic to the small island until it was rediscovered from East Africa and Madagascar. Yet its widely acknowledged that the authentic Padparadscha is found only in Sri Lanka.The tone of this stone range from Pink to Orange creating illusions within the stone when light is reflected into it.

Round Padparadscha Sapphire Yet another unique feature to this gemstone would be the way its value is judged. Generally, the more saturated the color the value of the stone is considered to be high, Yet when it comes to Padparadscha Sapphire a medially set tone an average saturation is known to be the most demanded and the most priced. Pale colors known as Pastel colors in gem terminology marks the high-end price lines for Padparadscha stone.

The density of this unique stone is outmatched by only the diamonds this guarantees the eternal existence of the stone you purchase. Given the characteristics, this magically attractive stone would be an ideal selection to represent love ones has for another due to the trait of eternity linked to the stone.  Often selected for premium quality jewelry due to the longevity promised Padparadscha boasts superiority that’s worthy by only with exquisite taste.

When the stones are processed to be polished and cut stones lapidarist are expected to preserve the stone much as possible, which results in asymmetrical patterns that would make these stones even more unique.

Authentic Padparadscha stones need to be identified via a trusted and responsible seller as the untrained eye could be deceived by cheaper stones that are treated to look extremely identical.

Values of Padparadscha Sapphire

Known to summon calmness Padparadscha Sapphire can set the clarity in one’s mind bringing inner peace to the wearer. The gentle pink tone of the stone represents an abundance of creativity coupled with love and romance that sets itself apart from lust. The orange variation pours the sensation of passionate devotion coupled with enthusiastic traits adored by the ones who feel that connection with the stone when they are to first set the eye on Padparadscha stone.

Sunset Padparadscha Sapphire Stone 

Wafting enormous energy wearers are expected to be gifted with prudence and vitality that would set forth a new dimension in a person’s life. Upon the achieved clarity and calmness with the help of stone wearers will reach new heights by defeating the inner darkness while being truly conscious.

Padparadscha sapphire pricing

It’s known that the prices of gemstones are spread across a wide dimension considering qualities such as the how rare is to find such stone and the size. Also, factors like the clarity of the stone how neat are the cut and polishing of the stone is done will be carefully monitored. The fact that if a stone is heat-treated or not carries an impact on the Let’s discuss how these factors of Padparadscha are valued in the world.

Actually, padparadscha sapphires are the rarest gemstone in the world ,So its very hard to find a good quality stone. So price range may vary to $1000-$200000 per ct .

Also if you are purchasing from Sri Lanka directly from a reputed gem agency then you could expect to find quality stones below the average marked at the global market.We can recommend Sumuduni Gems as a reputed seller in Sri Lanka

Padparadscha sapphire engagement rings

Padparadscha Sapphire engagement ring white gold

Image Source : Pinterest

When you want to paint your love story with exotified senses it’s an absolutely a great option to pick a Padparadscha sapphire engagement ring that will boast the classiness for ages due to its simple but long-lasting elegance. With the touch of Padparadscha, your engagement ring will represent devotion and romance. The sensation of the ring will reflect true love that’s set itself apart from lust.

If you are going to choose a sapphire engagement ring I strongly recommend to read sapphire “How to Buy Sapphire Jewelry Without Getting Scammed ?”

Congratulations if you decide to go with padparadscha sapphire engagement ring you are a one of luckiest person.Because padparadscha sapphires are the rarest gemstone in the world and most beautiful and feminine looking stone. If you have any question about padparadscha sapphires please leave a comment below.

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